
Denture Services in Sequim, WA


Sequim Advanced Dental is located in Sequim, WA, the lavender capital of the world. The owner of Sequim Advanced Dental is L. Scott Brooksby, D.D.S., D.I.C.O.I. He is trained in the advanced techniques of creating Drop Dead Gorgeous Dentures.

Because dentures do not have teeth or other structures to secure them in place, a knowledge of the anatomy of the mouth is critical. If you do not understand the muscles that can dislodge a denture, you will end up having them moved by those same muscles. Utilizing specialized impression techniques we are able to develop the best fitting denture possible.

It is still important to understand, however that after the teeth are lost the jaw bone slowly dissolves away. This occurs with the upper jaw dissolving from the front backwards and the lower jaw dissolves from the back forwards. This creates adverse leverage forces that eventually make it difficult to wear a denture without some form of help. This is why denture adhesives is such a large industry.
Dentures Services Sequim, WA — Dentist And Patient Discussion in Sequim, WA
As we create a new smile we are forced to contend with the challenge of developing a beautiful smile which may cause the dentures to be less stabile versus the more stabile biting forces that can be developed if the teeth are kept back over the ridge. Sometimes people will actually have dentures that are for appearance and dentures that are for eating. Others use liberal amounts of adhesive and accept that they must constantly reapply the glue. Others opt for the placement of dental implants to secure their teeth in place allowing them to have both beauty and function.

Our dentures are often created with a metal substructure that is light and thin. This allows for improved fit and the ability to feel the temperatures of the foods that we eat. It also gives more room for the tongue. If dental implants are later placed the denture can be modified to fit over the implants and then eventually the palate can be removed from the upper denture allowing you to again taste your food.

Dr. Scott Brooksby, an advanced surgical prosthodontists, has created an office environment that is friendly, jovial and has specially trained staff that help you develop the smile that you want. Dr. Brooksby and his in house dental technician each has over thirty year of experience in dentistry. Whether they are creating a beautiful smile using dentures or saving your existing teeth they can provide options that are not available in most other dental offices.
In addition to discussing the options, you will always be advised of the advantages and disadvantages of each option as well as the total cost associated with your specific treatment choice. We also have financing and prepayment discounts available to make it easy to get the smile you want. Many people are want to know if dental insurance will help pay for their new smiles. We have been the leaders in the Las Vegas Dental community incorporating the latest proven technologies. We were one of the first offices to offer digital x-rays which allows us to provide original x-rays to anyone in the world with email within a matter of minutes. With years of experience we are often the best choice for dealing with complications both with dentures as well as most other areas of dentistry.

If dentures are not for you at this time, Sequim Advanced Dental can still provide treatment in other areas such as dental implants, crowns and bridges. Cosmetic dentistry is always incorporated into each treatment option selected. We are able to provide all adult dentistry including cleanings, fillings, veneers, crowns, bridges, partials, dentures, bleaching, etc.

Are There Alternatives To Dentures?

There are always alternatives in dentistry. The alternatives, however depend upon how many natural teeth you have left. If you have no natural teeth you have two options:
You could do without teeth and use your tongue and gums. This works for many people, but leaves a lot to be desired when it comes to appearances. Some foods still are not within the realm of people in this category.
The other option is to use dentures. There is a substantial difference in dentures that are available. Generally, if you have had difficulty with dentures in the past your best chances are with a Prosthodontist. His understanding of the forces that affect a denture as well as the advanced training give you the best prospects. Many prosthodontists now make upper dentures with a metal palate in the denture. This provides substantial strength and much more room for the tongue. It is also much more comfortable. If you later decide to have implants placed, the metal support makes the denture much stronger and less likely to break.
If you have teeth present you also may have several options:
If there are teeth on both sides of the missing teeth, and if they are strong enough, a fixed bridge can be designed that attaches to the teeth and is not removable. It requires the teeth on either side to be crowned and this requires cutting the enamel off of the teeth and then replacing it with porcelain and/or metal teeth. The cost is sometimes less than implants. The cost for a bridge is usually between $700-1800 /tooth. For example, if you lost one tooth, the bridge would involve that tooth plus the teeth on either side of the space for a total of 3 teeth. The bridge would cost between $2100-5100.
If there are not enough remaining teeth to support a fixed bridge, a removable partial denture can be made to replace the missing teeth. There are a wide number of types of partial dentures. The price can range from $300-2500 for a plastic partial. This is usually considered a temporary partial. A partial with a metal substructure which is designed to gain support and stability from the teeth will range between $800-3500. The prices usually vary depending on the skill and training of the dentist.
If you have not yet lost your teeth, but many of your teeth are broken down, it is often possible to utilize the broken teeth as though they were dental implants. Dentures could then be made that fit over these teeth. These are called overdentures. The advantage of saving these teeth is that they can help prevent the jaw bone from dissolving away while providing a more solid foundation for the dentures. Small ball shaped attachments can be placed in these teeth and the denture can be snapped into place. This option is usually close to 1/2 the cost of dental implants. Fluoride must be used in the overdenture to keep the teeth from decaying. Click here if you would like to see a before and after picture.

When considering your options it is best to consult with your general dentist or a prosthodontist before making any decision.

Do you have more questions? Send us an e-mail question and Dr. Brooksby of Sequim Advanced Dental will gladly respond.

What Costs Are Associated With Dental Implants?

There are four general areas of care associated with dental implants. The fees listed are those currently used at Sequim Advanced Dental in Sequim, Washington.

The diagnostic phase is the first and most important phase of treatment. Implants that are placed without regard for the final restoration often require substantially more to restore. Sometimes, improper planning can result in an implant being useless. This phase requires a review of the patient's medical and dental history. Evaluation of the musculature of the neck and face as well as the bony support is required. Full mouth x-rays including a panoramic view of the jaw are essential.

A C.T. scan may be required to determine the location of vital nerves or to evaluate the quantity and quality of the available bone. Surgical templates may also be used, especially if the teeth are to be made by someone other than the implant surgeon. An examination and x-rays will cost about $150. A C.T. scan will cost $300. A surgical template may cost between $100-200.

The surgical phase may require initial bone grafts if there is insufficient bone. In the past, many patients simply were unable to have implants placed because of insufficient bone. Now with advanced techniques implants are again a viable option. If grafts are required an additional period of four to twelve months may be required before placement of the implants. Once the implants are surgically placed in the bone, they must remain undisturbed for four to twelve months. The length of time depends upon the quality of bone available. The average patient usually takes Extra Strength Tylenol or Advil for the postoperative discomfort. With proper management the discomfort is usually minimal. Bone grafts may cost between $500-3,000. We also have the ability to separate your platelets, after a simple blood draw, and mix these growth hormone laden platelets with the bone graft materials to substantially improve healing and even eliminate scar formation. We can also draw stem cells from your hip using a gentle technique with minimal complications. This can substantially accelerate the healing process, especially if bone grafting is necessary. There is an additional fee of $800 for this process. The placement of the implants may range from $800-2000 per implant. The lowest cost implants are the new Mini-implants. Standard root form implants are $2000 each.

After the implants have been placed the person's dentures can be modified so that they can continue to be worn. If just some of the teeth are missing a temporary plastic partial may be worn. This solves the short term appearance problems that may exist. Once the implants have bonded to the bone the process of preparing the implants for use begins. Often an existing denture can be modified to fit over balls that are attached to the implants. These provide great stability and comfort for very little money. Crowns or bridges may be attached to the implants. The complexity of this part of the procedure magnifies with the number of implants. This may require more specialized treatment and higher costs. Temporary dentures or partials may cost between $750-2750. Modifying a denture to fit after surgery or over implants may range from $85-1000. Crowns on implants may range between $1200-2000 per tooth. Snaps usually cost about $1000 each.

The final phase is the maintenance stage of the process. Dental implants can last more than thirty years if properly maintained. This requires good cleaning skills to be learned by the patient. Maintenance visits are usually scheduled every three months. Once the patient has demonstrated a good track record the interval may be lengthened. If a denture is being supported by implants, the jaw bone may continue to dissolve in the areas away from the implants. This is a natural process and sometimes requires the dentures to be relined or remade. Maintenance visits usually cost $35. Cleanings range between $80-250 depending on the difficulty of the process. Replacement screws or attachments may range from $25-1000.

As with any type of service the fees may vary depending upon the complexity of the treatment or the skill level of the dentist. To improve communications, always discuss the total cost involved with treatment. Make sure that you know approximately what the costs will be. There are things that can make the treatment more expensive and may be beyond the control of the treating doctor.

What Kinds Of Financing Are Available?

Patients often ask what financing options are available. In our office we offer several types of payment options from pre-payment discounts to five year financing. We also will gladly process your insurance claim for you.
We have financing available through
Lending Club Patient FinancingSM
Our practice is pleased to offer flexible payment plans from Lending Club Patient Financing.
No initial payment and no payment for 3-7 weeks
Affordable Extended Plans with low fixed rates & low monthly payments
6 month Promotional Plans
No prepayment penalty

You can calculate potential monthly payment options. Or place an application in a few short minutes, and decisions are typically available in seconds. For more information, just ask our team or visit

Also available is Carecredit.
CARECREDIT which allows 90 days same as cash or they also have extended payment plans. Click here for their online application. Once you are approved, bring a copy of the approval with you to the office. Extended payment plans can be as low as 5.9%.

These applications can also be made in our office. Our office will be able to pull up your information as soon as it is approved.

Because we must pay a fee to these companies, there is no pre-payment discount available.
We are able to provide all adult dentistry including cleanings, fillings, veneers, crowns, bridges, partials, dentures, bleaching, etc.
If you have any questions you may email us at or call for a free consultation at 360-207-2133.
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