After my residency, if returned to Las Vegas in 1990 and started my own prosthodontic practice. In 1995, I studied in an Advanced Dental Implant study group at Loma Linda University Dental School.
My wife, Karen and I have been married for almost thirty years. We have three children. Ryan is a certified Arborist and Tree Care specialist here in Las Vegas. Andrea is living in Fort Collins, Colorado after finishing her degree in Animal Science. Dana is serving as an LDS or Mormon missionary in the Dallas, Texas area learning Spanish and working with the Spanish speaking people in that area.
I was named the Best Prosthodontist in Las Vegas in 2009, 2011 and 2012.
I have been flying airplanes as a licensed pilot since 1977 and became a flight instructor in 2001. I work in the dental office on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday and teach people to fly on Wednesday, Friday and Saturdays. I fly a Cessna 310 and a Cherokee 235. My website for flying is
I work a lot with computers and the Boy Scouts of America. Each year we try and do something to give back to those around us. Several years ago we went with the LDS Academy of Dentists to Honduras at Christmas time and spent a week doing free dentistry for those in Choloteca, Honduras. We brought our own supplies and instruments and the Dental School in Tegucigalpa provided the chairs, sterilizers, x-rays, and compressors that the Academy had donated in previous years. We treated over 450 people that week including placing some implants for one lady with a very loose denture. For the last several years we have had a Christmas party for our patients and they have donated clothes and toys for the kids at Child Have and Shade Tree Shelter.
I hope that has given you an insight into me as a person.